Meet the Team at Allison's!
No store is successful without a great team of people running the show behind the scenes and out front! This team works well together and strives to make everyone feel welcomed and satisified with their visit, each one striving to keep the founder, Gord Allison's mission alive and well!

Annette & Scott Vander Waal
Our Director
(Third Generation)
& our CIO/CFO
Both are Bibliomaniacs
ANNETTE (she/her)
Director & Bibliomaniac
(Third Generation)
Annette enjoys a multitude of genres but has a strong draw towards suspense/thrillers and non-fiction based around black history and the World Wars. Having been in the store her whole life, she has a deep seeded loyalty to the family legacy and continuing it into the future. She was running back and forth to Wisconsin to make sure this legacy continues but just recently has moved back to help the legacy even further.
SCOTT (he/him)
CFO/CIO & Bibliomaniac
Scott is a co-owner and our tech & numbers guy but he loves reading about Quantum Physics, Politics, fictional adventure, science fiction and history. He is the creator of our Point of Sale & Labeling Systems which was a "side project" for him alongside creating our Webstore & helping where he can while in town. Scott is Annette's spouse and now retired from the IT Industry and looking forward to finally making the North Bay area his home.

Kelsey (she/her)
Sales Associate II - New Book Inventory Control & Bibliomaniac
Sales Associate II - Inventory Control & Bibliomaniac
While not originally from North Bay, Kelsey has come to make North Bay her home. Kelsey spends her time reading true crime and multiple general fiction authors, she also has an affinity for reading indigenous authors both fiction & non-fiction. One thing she truly enjoys is seeing customers leave with books in their hands!

Sals Associate II - Social Media
Co-ordinator & Bibliomaniac
Maddi is a self-declared bibliophile or book wizard - her main mission in life is to connect readers to finding their heart & soul in a book! When she's not crying over imaginary characters, she writes reviews on her blog or is baking desserts. Maddi spends her time reading young adult & Adult romance, paranormal, fantasy/sci-fi and sometimes will dabble with non-fiction.

Rhogan - Coming Soon
Sales Associate I & Bibliomaniac
Rhogan is new to the team as of this fall and is into reading indie authors but also open to reading just about anything! More info coming soon!
Vanessa - Coming Soon
Sales Associate I & Bibliomaniac
Vanessa is new to the team as of this fall and is into reading just about anything! More info coming soon!