Our long awaited Catalogue Search is finally here! After many hours of hard work our Tech man Scott, got us up and rolling!
Click the button below to search our Catalogue!
Be sure to allow pop-ups as it will open the link in a New window!
Please read below for details about our search.
Be sure while you're on our search to check out our fully functional Shopsite and send feedback to scottvw@allisonthebookman.com!
We're here to help!
We are making a continuous effort to correct our database from our old inventory system which means we may not always have a book listed in stock if the SKU is 4-6 numbers in length.
Please be sure to email or call us if your book in the search has a SKU like that.
We have 200,000 books in stock at all times so correcting these errors as we find them is important to us.
We apologize for any inconvenience but we are also a brick and mortar store and our database is updated every other day so it's a good idea to always check with us either way.
Thank you for for your patronage!
Your Team at Allison's